Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

Since our plans for Utah didn't work out, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving here at home. We started with breakfast. I found a recipe for these omelet roll things, not too bad, and then Andrew got Mark and Julie to play dinosaurs while I cleaned up a bit.After breakfast Mark went out in the 12 degree weather to get me the adds. The kids had a lot of fun looking them over and dancing on them, don't ask me about the dancing on them but they had fun.While dinner was cooking, the kids and I were watching Christmas shows. The best part was at the end when the credits would come on and we would all dance around the living room to the music.
For dinner we had ham, green beans, carrotts, sweet potatoes and a roll. We had some sparkling drinks, cheesecake, pumpkin pie and icecream for dessert. Everything was SO YUMMY!After dinner Mark took a nap. It wasn't a long one since Julie kept trying to tickle his feet while he slept. Andrew felt left out so he started climbing through the table. What a cutie!Julie was having such a great time following her brother around. Here he was hiding behind the table trying to scare Julie. Later he was sitting on our cut out things in the wall and she would follow him. He didn't seem too hapy about it but it was so cute how often she would follow him around. I even cought Andrew egging her on to follow him. Such a great brother!Friday, after I got back from my black Friday shopping we decided to pull out the Christmas decorations and steam clean the carpets. In our Christmas box I have this great piano book my mom sent us last year(or the year before, I forget). I like to keep it with the Christmas stuff so the kids forget about it and love pulling it out to sing/play. They had a lot of fun with it! Julie then started using the butter fly net as a mask. Andrew used to always do it too, not sure what it is about kids and putting things over their head. Thankfully this one was full of holes!I bought a stick vac on my black Friday shopping trip and LOVE IT! I love the fact that once I brought it out Andrew had to test it out everywhere! I set up the Christmas decorations while Mark cleaned the carpet. The steam clean vaccuum leaves behind hair that the vaccuum missed every once in a while. Andrew would clean it up with the new vac. Such a great job both of them did! I LOVE the carpet now, makes the entire living room feel so much cleaner. Long overdue! Overall we had a great vacation at home for the Holiday. We got a lot done, most of the shopping done, spent some quality time together and had a blast. I'm sad we didn't make it to Utah but so glad we got so much done while we were home. I can't wait to see the family again! I love and miss you all! Have a great last few days of November everyone!!!

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