Saturday, February 5, 2011

Battle Wound

Andrew's found a best friend, Jake, from church and from his Kindergarten class. Jake is about a year older (one of the oldest in the class with Andrew being one of the youngest due to the cut off dates) and has a younger brother that's 4. His mom is pregnant with a girl due in April. We all get along so great! We've started hanging out and even went swimming (trust me, you don't want to see those pictures!). While playing one day, Andrew was wearing a cape. He got the cape caught and the velcro must have rubbed his neck. Andrew was fine, he mentioned that his neck hurt but I played it off as like nothing had happened. It looked really painful and like someone had either strangled him or held him at knife point. The pictures don't show how red or puffy his neck really was. I was so worried his teacher was going to report me the next day but thankfully no phone call was received. Here is his battle wound...He's such a trooper! His neck looks much better today and it's also the weekend so I'm hoping he'll be as good as new by Monday.

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